Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

first class!

Tonight is our first adoption class! It's just an orientation and starting Thursday, the heavy topics begin. We're excited and nervous and are so ready to get started. Jen has her notebook already out and ready to take notes (or doodle if she can't focus anymore, hee hee!). I have all of our paperwork together in a binder for easy access. Yes, we're dorks, but we're prepared dorks. ;)

Another update after class!


  1. YAY! Is Jen feeling better? Hope so!

  2. Hi! I just found your blog from the swap list even though I am not your partner.
    I am so excited that you are adopting! A lot of people give up when they cannot conceive but as the Mom of three adopted children, let me tell you they were meant for us!

    We have 16 yr old twins adopted locally through the Children's Home Society in conjunction with Florida's Children and Family Services. Then we traveled to China for our 7 yr old who we adopted at the age of 3, she was a a special needs child.

    I wanted to share with you that we have same sex friends who also adopted from China. The way around their prejudices is to have one partner adopt, come home and have the other partner adopt also. This is just in case you decide to have another one!

    I wish you all the best.
