Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker

Tuesday, June 7, 2011

We crack up every week when we read what the baby "is" this week. I call my Dad for updates and the first thing he asks me, "what is Sprout this week??" It depends on the site you look at or the book you read. We're at week 22 and we have a papaya and she is the length of a spaghetti squash. It's weird to think of your child in terms of fruit and veggies but it does help to give you an idea of size and length. :) It's amazing to think we started out with a poppy seed and now we have a papaya!

We're SO excited about our upcoming trip to San Diego for my family reunion! I haven't been back in over a year and we can't wait to see everyone (and eat at Lolitas)! Living in different states, my parents, family and SD friends haven't been on hand to see my development and go through this pregnancy with me everyday. It will be so nice to see them and for them to meet the "belly". :) We're also really looking forward to our San Diego baby shower! We have a limited amount of time we'll be in town (since we're saving our vacation, etc for when Ms. Finn arrives) and the shower will be a great occasion to see everyone in one place. Presents are nice but we just want to be surrounded by the people we love and miss so much!

Neither Jen or I can believe we're a little more than half way there. 22 weeks...5 months...time has FLOWN by! My belly is definitely growing and I'm almost exclusively wearing maternity clothes and stretch pants. Casual and comfy are definitely what I look for in the closet everyday. I think Finn appreciates it too since the days I wear something a little tighter I get poked and kicked, almost like she's saying "what the heck?? why ya crunching me in here??" Message received baby girl!

We feel somewhat prepared. Ha-ha! It kind of alternates between prepared and running around like chickens with our heads cut off wondering how we're going to get it all done before she gets here. :) We've been so blessed to have friends and family who have given us hand me downs and purchased items we'll need for Ms. Finn. It seems like every day someone is in contact with an offer of some item or the other they were wondering if we needed. Our parents have picked up the "big" items for us and our sisters and my cousin Dani have us well stocked in bibs, boppies, blankets and bath items. We excitedly joke that Finn has more stuff than we do and how could someone so tiny need so much! She'll definitely have a bigger wardrobe!

There are still some big things to decide (childcare) and ponder (why is it so expensive??) but we feel like we're on the right track. It's been a fun and exciting journey and we definitely couldn't have done it without all the love and support we've received!

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